Thursday, December 17, 2009
Purple Lotus
Friday, November 20, 2009
young deer

So where did this feeling arise from? the deeper layers no doubt..and i settled into a feeling of compassion for those deeper layers within me and rested. At moments like these, i transcend the day to day details of life and sink into a much broader place of ALL the births, deaths and movements of life and beyond life to another matrix like level. Resting in this feeling of "all" is not pleasant nor unpleasant but very very FULL.
Then i realized what actually could be happening in my energetic field...i rose, turned on the Breveille Hot water pot for coffee and glanced into my backyard. Like may other days this week and before, deer were there....however today was different. Before it had always been groups or lately a Mother and its child hanging sometimes all day and into the next day. Not this morning, a solo deer was there. My Yard is a combo of wild and groomed and there are nooks and crannies behind the garden beds, yurt and lilac bush for the deer to eat and be comfortable amidst the domestic city life. However, today something odd ..the baby deer is alone resting quietly beside one of the eight g. beds that make a wheel. He or she is not eating but has a empty look in its eyes. Tears come to me and i wonder if that means that Mom has been injured or hit by traffic in its wanderings through urban westside Bend.
Those tears were for a real situation yet remind me of crying during a movie..the situation in front of our eyes reminding us of the things that we have experienced in life as loss, sorrow.
And yet, these tears are also freeing since life and death are equal players in reality and its the acceptance that brings more light to life. Anyone have any ideas about whether i should try to feed this creature or not?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Vasudeva live on the radio

Saturday, October 17, 2009
red sky in morning...sailor take warning
urban wilds...for the last few weeks a family of deer (up to 6) have been sleeping in the backyard in order to munch on the remaining greens from the garden, lilac leaves and their favorite...sunflower heads. this morning the sky was amazing pinks combined with fall early morning light, with the golds/reds of the changing leaves mixed in. the effect was LIGHT and soul-filling (thank goodness the fall color palette has finally arrived, i thought we were going to go straight from green to dead winter, see snowy picture from oct. 4th- the earlist snowfall of that depth i can remember with many tree limbs broken and fallen). my dear friend and massage Guru Tarika used to say that the brilliant fall colors serve to ground us for winter, it's true. i'm soaking them up where i can find them, in town and the wild aspen stands, in contrast to the pine tree/black lava oregon landscape. fall is one of my favorite seasons, i think it is an old memory of the excitement and preparation of the ski season ahead.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
quiet, humbled and still loving despite rough edges
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
joy and sadness
may we affirm to each other only the joy we have shared if we die. may we affirm it while we are still alive. if i die, be only joyful for our time together. if i live, be only joyful for our time (all of it) together and i will too.
the Goddess
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
summer travels
Thursday, June 4, 2009
barns burnt down---now i can see the moon -Masahide
Friday, May 1, 2009
May Day

woke, went outside and put my hands in the strawberry patch to pick up some morning dew to rub softly on my face. a gaelic ritual for this first day of may.
the welcoming of a fertile year and may day.
see this interesting link about beltane, the pagan version and symbolic meaning of May 1st:
i like the "Beltane is also about being naked. Not necessarily nakedness of the body, but nakedness of the soul, of removing the veils we put up between the world and our true self: even of removing the veils we put up to hide our true desires from ourselves"
may your day be filled with joyful abandon
Monday, March 16, 2009
passed on by a friend.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
hot stoves

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
home nest
Thursday, March 5, 2009
goodbye india
the ganges alternated between ice green and blue color, holy waters off the himalayan glaciers. (left, and Varanasi sacred offerings above)
found my way back "home" to the south in mysore for one more day of goodbyes to dear India friends and family, a concert, sandelwood shop, incense and last tastes of Indian delicacies...
i am sore from a 10 hour trek out of Rishikesh to a glorious Goddess temple to Durga, high above steppe rice farms and foothills... and a view of the really big mountains far off, to be continued on another trip.
see you in bend.
love and blessings,
j bird
Sunday, March 1, 2009
path by the river Ganges
"Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once existed between man and the universe." ~Anatole France
My journey has brought me up the Ganges from the Holy city of Varanasi to Haridwar and now to Rishikesh. I must admit the River is pulling me further and further towards the giant Himalaya range but i have only a few more days so will go as far as possible this trip.
Being a "traveller" is a far cry from the comforts, friends and routine of wonderful Mysore but the wandering path feels right for my transition home. i woke early in the Ganapathi Ashram with a mind full of thought and a craving for chai. so out i went at 5:30 am, had tea and washed my face and hands in the crystal clean Ganges across from the Ashram, and stopped by a small Hanuman (monkey God) shrine where a priest was doing morning prayers and puja (flowers and chants). Then a quick auto rickshaw ride brought me to a suspension foot bridge to cross the river. These travel days i have had the unstoppable desire to WALK...through the towns , up to the temples on the hills, into the mountains, along the river Ganges...and this morning was no exception. The sun had not quite come up as i started out on a winding "river trail" (with hat, scarf etc. it is chilly here in in the morning). there is something calm and deeply soul- satisfying about walking along a river for me. it dawned on me that i have come thousands of miles and three and a half months to realize that i am most at home walking by a river somewhere near the mountains, and here i am.
"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow". ~Lin Yutang
As my hike brought me up the hill behind Rishikesh on a switchback road, then a trail, I flashed back to the entire trip to India and wondered what i had to show for this time. Of course that was an entirely western point of view to look for tangible results or accomplishments... or to have expectations/ desires in the first place. what did i do here? get closer to enlightenment, grow 4 months older in a magical place...?
yes & some some wisdom nuggets:
1. Walk yer own path: contentment = living according to ones own unique way and blueprint...not by any others or what any others say is right for you. (with grace)
2. Believe in yourself and others and the connection between the two.
3. Take naps
4. Travel light
5. Make decisions slow but be bold too
6. Learn music by ear and develop your listening skills
7. Pay attention
8. Bow to the feet of those you love as teachers/Gurus especially the challenging ones
9. Stick with your Guru (s) for life
9. Always shine the light back on yourself if things appear to be going wrong
10. be quiet
11. drink tea
12. Recognize your impending death and live accordingly . live without worry or fear
13. tap into your own unique spirituality...whether thats Krishna or art or being outdoors. worship and devote yourself to spending time with the divine thing every day. find your "Yoga"
14. pay attention
15. trust in the journey
16. if you feel nervous or have stage fright, imagine everyone in their underwear.
17. make fun of/with each other Indian style
USA 6 days and counting...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Shivaratri and beyond...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

usually what we see as "issues" in others is just a reflection of something we are not looking at in ourselves. sometimes i get riled up when people don't tell me the truth or they withhold things or apear disloyal, but what i realize is i myself can honor my own truth and be loyal to myself more fully. or when someone has an issue with not enough freedom...are they really controlling themselves & others too much and putting "space" restrictions on themselves?
too deep for this warm afternoon just off the Ashram grounds. I have found a magical place in this world..the Ganapathi Music Ashram..
a combination of gardens, temples and Music, music the base of Chaumundi Hill, outskirts of the Mysore city/ nature line.
home soon, more blog too.
love on feb.14th
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
did i say eat?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
EAT, pray, love
But next week a different sort of 8 day "panchakarma cleanse" at an ayervedic health clinic nearby, bringing body/mind/emotions to balance the traditional natural Indian way...more on that next week.
The name of the neighborhood i moved to is KuvempuNagar kind of reminds me of the name of the city where Amy B is right now KualaLumpur, funny coincidence. Wonder how the Indian food compares!
Anyway, words of wisdom..keep practicing whatever it is you want to get better P.Jois says."Do your practice and All is coming"
love and Bisslebellebath with riata
Monday, January 19, 2009
recording muses
Meanwhile i am making plans for my move from Gokulam wednesday. see photo above of the yoga shala/house "gaurd" Prakash and I. This is right across the street from where i've been staying, and i see him every time i come and go from my house. All the hundreds of Yoga students also gather outside my house each morning for fresh coconuts after practice. It's a bit like communal living. I am moving to a home stay for a bit now, then a serene ayervedic clinic for 7 days of " panchkarma" or health cleanse treatment including special diet and massages/trreatments and finally a beautiful ashram near Chaumundi Hill, of the healing music Swamiji Sachidananda Ganapathi before heading north for a week into the foothills of the Himalayas and a visit to the Mishra's school of music.
Last month here will be filled with Yoga, and deep focus on Indian Music learning including some visits to my Violin Gurus' Manju and Nagaraj's house to listen and absorb the family practices and more amazing concert travel with them.
blessings from mother India!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
being immersed in a different culture has its joys and snags both. it makes me realize the significance of exposing ourselves to what seems "different" than our own way as a path to learn depths of love and understanding between any two people.
the indian culture has an wonderful way of avoiding the word "no". seems there is always some way to make each other happy by "nodding" yes, even if the meaning is some other thing. ultimately we are far less separate than we appear and this knowing softens the edges of any mis-understanding.
one positive through the lessons and experiences here is that the overall "relating to others" is enhanced by coming up against cultural differences, sometimes struggling with, and then learning to relate and communicate through them. in some ways cultural differences are just another form of personality differences between people but on a larger scale. even relating to your closest friend and family can seem like being in a foriegn country at times. what to do? try on anothers shoes, for at least a moment. look to the "yes" in all situations, or in eastern thought the power of the "now".
more concerts (TN Krishnan 84 yrs old! and N. Rajam, two violin legends South/ North India played together in Mysore last night --history) Manju has asked me to do a lecture demonstration on western music sat....I'll recruit Udaya Kiran, a brilliant blind Musician and friend here to play jazz and classical piano/keyboard (he also knows western chords so we have some fun collaborating) and David guitar vocals and Aerck from Olympia to play didg.
yoga journey...have not spoke much about it, but my daily practice here continues and is a given as part of my life enhancers. Saraswati moved me swiftly to Kapotansana, a back-bend/breaking second series pose (postures are given in sequence in Ashtanga Yoga, one could stay in the same series for years or quicker before progressing) and it is pushes my challenge buttons daily. My full practice is almost two hrs long but Luckily the music endeavors and time of my practice (8-9am start..late!) force me to include more rest days than usual here in Mysore, otherwise I would be lounging half the day in bed recovering form Yoga practice ! Of course it does get easier with consistant practice but never complacent. I was thinking that somehow my latest rhythms in the physical portion of my Yoga practice (I also practice chanting, breathing and meditation daily which are all Yoga, and even Music can be Yoga) are following the tried and true principles i used to follow in XC skiing. Two days hard training, one day easy cycles to allow the muscles to recover.
Its all interesting and very individual. But i always like to connect all things...I bet Guruji would enjoy some of the amazing concerts i am attending...he loves music and so does his son Manju Jois.
peace to all at home,