Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet."

Jas the cat.

Always knows what to do with human emotions. Purr endlessly.

A couple of nights ago i woke from a bad dream with him jumping on me squarely and then plopping down on my belly to purr loudly, as if to say.."there Mom i pounced on the monster in your dream for you, you are all set now". Cats know things.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Vasudeva live on the radio

Vasudeva, our improvisational Yoga Music Ensemble will be supporting Bend's local radio :
hear us and get out your yoga mat at home, or just breathe.
Tonight after 8:30pm PST on kpov 106.7 for steaming online.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

red sky in morning...sailor take warning

urban wilds...for the last few weeks a family of deer (up to 6) have been sleeping in the backyard in order to munch on the remaining greens from the garden, lilac leaves and their favorite...sunflower heads. this morning the sky was amazing pinks combined with fall early morning light, with the golds/reds of the changing leaves mixed in. the effect was LIGHT and soul-filling (thank goodness the fall color palette has finally arrived, i thought we were going to go straight from green to dead winter, see snowy picture from oct. 4th- the earlist snowfall of that depth i can remember with many tree limbs broken and fallen). my dear friend and massage Guru Tarika used to say that the brilliant fall colors serve to ground us for winter, it's true. i'm soaking them up where i can find them, in town and the wild aspen stands, in contrast to the pine tree/black lava oregon landscape. fall is one of my favorite seasons, i think it is an old memory of the excitement and preparation of the ski season ahead.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Music Sweet Music...a healing tonic.

Gypsy~French jazz immersion right now inspired by Grappelli/Django tunes and others for our "French jazz trio" in November with Kevin W and Pat E. Feeling the hot club swing..

And on the opposite spectrum my other new project VasuDeva, the "Yoga Band" as some call us...mostly improvisational India-inspired double drummers, trumpet, voice, guitar, crystal bowls, violin, rattles, clarinet and people doing yoga. We have our first out of town gig...Oct. 2010 at the Sacred Thread Festival in Cali.

And finally a recording project with Joe S. and ongoing Masala Mostest with Mark, Pat and Shireen. Feeling the fulltime music here in rainy/snowy days.

But thinking largely of my original music inspiration... my Dad and sending thoughts of ease to his health.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


everything changes. through all our human fits of ups and downs, having and losing we end up coming back to the same thing, the melodious call from the well-spring of love and joy within, regardless of the outside circumstances.
sadness may just be a sign of believing a stressful thought that isn't actually true.
with the fullest acceptance that i can muster up for reality as it is, and loving the truth just as it is right now oct. 7th 2009... i surrender and become relaxed, expansive and open in heart and mind ...because we have loved deeply and that doesn't go away.

contentment on your path.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

quiet, humbled and still loving despite rough edges

"There is great happiness in not wanting, in not being something, in not going somewhere."

"It is truth that frees, not your effort to be free"

both by J. Krishnamurti