Friday, December 12, 2008

the small things...

Seeking occurs in time,and follows a path out of the present moment
into an imagined future.
Discovery is grounded in the present moment,
centered here and now.

Seeking focuses on a distant goal.
Discovery focuses on immediate Reality.

Seeking is fueled by restlessness and longing.
Discovery is delighted, fulfilled and satisfied.

Seeking is predicated on lack and grasping,-- and a sense of something missing.
Discovery is completely open and receptive-- accepting and embracing Reality,exactly as it is.

Good friends Phil and Grace in Bend mentioned they liked India "in the cracks". Perhaps they mean the small meaningful happenings like...

~walking 2 blocks to sit under a canopy a drink fresh cocnut "water" with a straw, whenever thirsty
~or sipping a wee 3 rupee "chai" tea at same walla, several times a day of course.
~walking just one block more to a small tin hut where a man irons clothes with a coal -fired piece in the heat of the day with a huge smile. laundry is an overnight journey out to the rocks where it is "slapped" clean and then sun dried.
~the special the moments of visiting an Indian family or individual where as the guest treatment is royal.
~asking directions in'll likely get 4 different answers and versions in the same crowd and go somewhere entirely not where you thought (which turns out where you needed to be anyway).
~or how about the man who swings by the house several times a day singing "papayas...etc." delivering fruit and vegies right to the houses.
photo tour of the hood soon,

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