Thursday, January 15, 2009



being immersed in a different culture has its joys and snags both. it makes me realize the significance of exposing ourselves to what seems "different" than our own way as a path to learn depths of love and understanding between any two people.

the indian culture has an wonderful way of avoiding the word "no". seems there is always some way to make each other happy by "nodding" yes, even if the meaning is some other thing. ultimately we are far less separate than we appear and this knowing softens the edges of any mis-understanding.

one positive through the lessons and experiences here is that the overall "relating to others" is enhanced by coming up against cultural differences, sometimes struggling with, and then learning to relate and communicate through them. in some ways cultural differences are just another form of personality differences between people but on a larger scale. even relating to your closest friend and family can seem like being in a foriegn country at times. what to do? try on anothers shoes, for at least a moment. look to the "yes" in all situations, or in eastern thought the power of the "now".

more concerts (TN Krishnan 84 yrs old! and N. Rajam, two violin legends South/ North India played together in Mysore last night --history) Manju has asked me to do a lecture demonstration on western music sat....I'll recruit Udaya Kiran, a brilliant blind Musician and friend here to play jazz and classical piano/keyboard (he also knows western chords so we have some fun collaborating) and David guitar vocals and Aerck from Olympia to play didg.

yoga journey...have not spoke much about it, but my daily practice here continues and is a given as part of my life enhancers. Saraswati moved me swiftly to Kapotansana, a back-bend/breaking second series pose (postures are given in sequence in Ashtanga Yoga, one could stay in the same series for years or quicker before progressing) and it is pushes my challenge buttons daily. My full practice is almost two hrs long but Luckily the music endeavors and time of my practice (8-9am start..late!) force me to include more rest days than usual here in Mysore, otherwise I would be lounging half the day in bed recovering form Yoga practice ! Of course it does get easier with consistant practice but never complacent. I was thinking that somehow my latest rhythms in the physical portion of my Yoga practice (I also practice chanting, breathing and meditation daily which are all Yoga, and even Music can be Yoga) are following the tried and true principles i used to follow in XC skiing. Two days hard training, one day easy cycles to allow the muscles to recover.
Its all interesting and very individual. But i always like to connect all things...I bet Guruji would enjoy some of the amazing concerts i am attending...he loves music and so does his son Manju Jois.

peace to all at home,

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