Thursday, June 4, 2009

barns burnt down---now i can see the moon -Masahide

I've been "grounded" for several months now in bend's unusually lush spring (except a trip to laramie, brietenbush & eugene). This staying put is not the normal for me, but i am settling into a nice mellow & sustainable routine. The seeds went into the garden on a "seed day" in the astrological and moon cycles last weekend and then it proceeded to rain everyday after to coddle and feed them into tiny spoutlings.

What prompted this entry this morning was an epiphany stepping out of the Yoga building in "eastside" bend. The view west from my daily habit locale is the majestic Sisters and Bachelor mountains. This morning the foothills were visable through mist and rain as dark bodies stark against steel grey sky. And there nestled into them was a very wide rainbow, the largest breadth of rainbow i've ever seen.

The realization was more an appreciation for the "little things" in life. Nature's changes & her sensual nurturing, the comings, goings & sharing of life with family and friends...

Here at home the back rose bush tucked behind the yurt is starting to burst out with endless yellow blooms, see picture.

There hasn't been a lot of "drama" in my life for weeks...almost too mellow if I reflected on my life of Olympic ski training travel, yoga studios, numerous "bands" and musical endeavors, extensive India travel and depth of Indian cultural immersion, huge weddings, and spontaneous travel..etc. But i am realizing at this age of 40yrs that mellow is good and the subtle small pleasures are lasting and satisfying. Like cooking a meal for friends, smelling the fresh rain first thing in the morning, the wake up call of a warm cat purring in my face, seeing the beauty & potential in others and myself, and the drifting off to sleep at night knowing i've lived and loved well that day.
The cup is more than half full.

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