Saturday, November 15, 2008

A sequence of connected musical notes life is like a (says gaurdian angel Kay O.). At the moment i am in the "bridge" of my life's symphony. And speaking of metaphors I have been contemplating a few in this interesting limbo time with the help of some friends.

1. The Burning Ship and the Island: (Thanks to Cass and embellished by me)...A change of Life's situations, (somewhat tumultuous). After a storm on the sea, a ship gets struck by lightning and burns! (The circumstance we have to give up or transform in ) No choice but to abandon ship (way of thinking, circumstance etc.), hop in a row boat and row towards an Island for safety. Be careful though, the bright flames are intoxicating and might make you spin around and look back and ponder the disaster, get blinded by the fire or even get drawn back into a sinking ship! rather--- spin around and row bit by bit towards the shore of the island by facing the right direction your path can be illuminated by the burning mess behind you. that is, IF you keep your eyes open, chin up and stay alert to the lighted path out of the storm . The sacred rowboat of change is usually a solo journey but if those that you love were on the ship too, have them hop in or wish them well in their own rowboat.

2. The Scales: Again thanks Cass Estes...Again related to transformation or for example putting energy/time towards some aim...Like putting small increments of scale weight on the side of the scale you are after...eventually there is enough weight there so that the scale tips in the right direction.

3. The Favorite Old Tattered Jeans: As a symbol of an important Relationship that changes. (thought of by me on a hike beside the river this summer)...perhaps the favorite jeans start to unravel at the knee and cuffs. The more they go through the wash, the more the threads separate once the hole is started. The cuffs scrape ground and become frayed, but the jeans are soft, comfortable on the skin and very dear to the wearer having gone through all those experiences together. So, one attempts to "patch" the hole in the knee when it gets out of hand.
One could throw a patch on, try a different look & bring in outside materials for help ... just forget the frays and hole underneath for the moment... but that will eventually unravel its stitches too and once again fall apart. Perhaps the underlayers of the fabric can be carefully woven back together and then covered with a colorful well-intended patch on the knee for therapy, and the edges of the cuff can be trimmed, what's not needed is discarded...Well, those are some character-filled yet intact jeans!
OR, one could just give up the whole process somewhere in the mending and throw the jeans out and get some new ones. OR, perhaps (cass's idea here, she's a seamstress) one could cut off the jeans into shorts! and just retain the best parts of the favorite jeans. And finally i thought perhaps the jeans could become a homage to their original form through ART. Stitch a jean pillow and use it to cushion your behind, to sit on and act as a muse to, poetry, a letter, a painting, an idea and...
finally, the jeans could be put into part of a beautiful patchwork quilt of life's joys, trials, & rides, with all the love and experiences... curl up with this quilt and sleep soundly knowing the fabric of life is interesting and eventually healed at some point. 8 days for liftoff to India...
shout out to genius music man Neil Young tonight from portland cafe' xxoo j bird


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