Wednesday, October 7, 2009


everything changes. through all our human fits of ups and downs, having and losing we end up coming back to the same thing, the melodious call from the well-spring of love and joy within, regardless of the outside circumstances.
sadness may just be a sign of believing a stressful thought that isn't actually true.
with the fullest acceptance that i can muster up for reality as it is, and loving the truth just as it is right now oct. 7th 2009... i surrender and become relaxed, expansive and open in heart and mind ...because we have loved deeply and that doesn't go away.

contentment on your path.



1 comment:

  1. Beautiful.

    I've always thought of this as acceptance, as in the Serenity Prayer, accepting the way things are, accepting the way I am, unless I can change things for the better. But surrender... surrender isn't just acceptance, it's a reminder to stop fighting, it's a peaceful term, a yielding to life. Me like.
