Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Music Sweet Music...a healing tonic.

Gypsy~French jazz immersion right now inspired by Grappelli/Django tunes and others for our "French jazz trio" in November with Kevin W and Pat E. Feeling the hot club swing..

And on the opposite spectrum my other new project VasuDeva, the "Yoga Band" as some call us...mostly improvisational India-inspired double drummers, trumpet, voice, guitar, crystal bowls, violin, rattles, clarinet and people doing yoga. We have our first out of town gig...Oct. 2010 at the Sacred Thread Festival in Cali.

And finally a recording project with Joe S. and ongoing Masala Mostest with Mark, Pat and Shireen. Feeling the fulltime music here in rainy/snowy days.

But thinking largely of my original music inspiration... my Dad and sending thoughts of ease to his health.

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